Audit & Assurance

Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of your financial statements
Audit & Assurance Services

Making Informed Decisions

Comprehensive review and analysis of your financial statements and related business records in accordance with:

  • Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (APSE)
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 
  • Accounting Standards for Not-For-Profit Organizations (ASNPO)
About Audit & Assurance

Third Party Assurance

Here at NVS we provide audit and assurance services to organizations of all sizes – from small, independent businesses to large corporations. We provide a detailed and accurate picture of your organization’s current financial state, enabling you to make better, more informed financial decisions.

We enhance the credibility and reliability of your organization’s financial statements, enabling you to build confidence with external stakeholders and other interested parties.

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Our Services

How Else Can We Help?

An integrated selection of financial services that range from assessment and advice to strategic action. All to make your business stronger.


Corporate and personal tax planning. Estate and succession planning.


Annual tax compliance. GST/HST and payroll audits. Compilation engagements.


Quality of earnings and due diligence reporting. Business valuations.