Tax services to effectively meet compliance requirements and planning opportunities
TAX SErvices
Guiding your Business
Maintaining compliance, minimizing tax burdens, and staying up-to-date with regulatory requirements.
- Corporate tax preparation and planning
- Personal tax preparation and planning
- Tax reassessments
- Credits and incentives, including Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED)
- Estate, Trust, and Succession Planning
About Taxation
Income Tax Returns
Our NVS Taxation experts stay informed and educated on changing Canadian tax regulations. We utilize the latest technology and software to plan, prepare, and file your tax returns with the highest level of accuracy and efficiency.
We’re here to help you remain in compliance, while keeping the most money where it should be – in your business. Our one-on-one approach allows us to build strong personal relationships, and more fully understand your unique taxation needs. Each NVS certified accountant will ensure that your account is being handled with professionalism, dedication, and reliability.
Start the Conversation
Send a message with Taxation in the subject line and we’ll be in touch!
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Where Else Can We Help?
An integrated selection of financial services that range from assessment and advice to strategic action. All to make your business stronger.